Case Study: Cortlandt Healthcare (Q3 2022)

Concierge Director: Dominic Marello
Patients Age: 82
Admission Date: 7/11/22
Admitted From: St. Luke’s Hospital
Discharge Date: 9/13/22
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation
How Did The Patient Here About Cortlandt Healthcare? Referred by daughter

Details of Experience:

Marjorie was admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital for hip surgery. The hospital post-surgery evaluated her, and the recommendation was for physical and occupational therapy to regain her prior level of function. Marjorie was referred to Cortlandt Healthcare for recovery due to our outstanding rehabilitation program. Her main goal was to be able to function independently once again and to get back home as soon as possible.

Upon arrival, Marjorie was greeted by the Concierge, Nursing Team, and Administration, who ensured she had everything she needed. The concierge assisted by ensuring Marjorie had everything she required during her stay, including proper food options, being brought to recreational activities, ensuring her medications arrived on time, and being properly taken care of during her stay. Our dietician assessed Marjorie and discussed certain food options she would enjoy during her stay. She was also assessed by our Nursing staff as well as our Rehabilitation team and received short and long-term goals to monitor her progression during her rehab process. Short and long-term goals include bed mobility tasks, safely ambulating on level surfaces, ascending and descending stairs, performing toileting tasks, and car transfers.

During Marjorie’s stay, she received both Physical and Occupational therapy. Marjorie progressed from moderate assist to minimum assist on bed mobility tasks without the use of side rails. She was able to safely ambulate on level surfaces starting at 90 feet and 350 feet maximum. Marjorie was able to ascend and descend from 0 to 4 stairs. She also performed toileting tasks from maximum assistance to minimum assistance. Working hard with Occupational Therapy, Marjorie safely performed functional activities starting at 5 minutes to 10 minutes maximum. Marjorie went from maximum to minimum on all indoor home maintenance tasks and consistently achieved all long-term and short-termshort-term goals during her stay here at Cortlandt Healthcare.

Marjorie was discharged to her home on September 13th, 2022, after 62 days of rehabilitation. She had a wonderful experience throughout her stay, making friends with both staff and other residents. Marjorie was able to wheel out of Cortlandt Healthcare with minimum assistance, and she will be missed.

The Cortlandt team wishes Marjorie the best and continued success on her journey!