Case Study: Cortlandt Healthcare (Q1 2024)

Concierge Director: Dominic Marello
Patients Age: 105
Patients Name: Agnes Keating
Admission Date: 12/24/23
Admitted From: Hudson Valley Hospital Center
Discharge Date: 02/21/24
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation
How Did The Patient Here About Cortlandt Healthcare? Referred by Hospital

Details of Experience:

Agnes Keating was admitted to Hudson Valley Hospital Center with an unspecified fracture of the left tibia. Hudson Valley evaluated her and recommended physical and occupational therapy to regain the prior level of function she once enjoyed. She was then recommended to Cortlandt Healthcare due to our outstanding rehabilitation program. Agnes’s main goal is to get back on her feet and return home with her family, which she loves very much.

Upon arrival, Agnes was greeted by the Concierge, Rehab Team, and Nursing team, who ensured she had everything she needed to start her rehabilitation adventure at Cortlandt Healthcare. The Concierge assisted by making sure Agnes received everything she needed during her stay, which included proper food options, getting her to and from recreational activities when she wanted to attend, and receiving medications in a timely manner.

The following day, Agnes was assessed by our Rehabilitation team and received short and long-term goals to enhance her progression during her rehab journey. Physical Therapy’s short-term goals include bed mobility tasks, ambulating 10 feet, and ascending and descending two stairs. Physical therapy’s long-term goals include bed mobility tasks, functional transfers, and ambulating unlimited distances. Occupational Therapy’s short-term goals include hygiene tasks, practice UB dressings and tub transfers. Occupational Therapy’s long-term goals include the following stated as above as well.

Starting with physical therapy, Agnes was the maximum assist in all bed mobility tasks. She was totally dependent on all functional transfers and was able to ambulate 0 feet due to her medical condition. Regarding Occupational Therapy, Agnes was dependent on hygiene tasks in the beginning. She was dependent on practicing UB dressings and became more dependent with moderate assistance. As far as tub transfers, she needed moderate assistance with supervision. During her voyage at Cortlandt Healthcare, Agnes made consistent efforts to achieve all long-term and short-term goals.

Agnes Keating was discharged to her home on February 21st, 2024, after 59 days of rehabilitation and care. Agnes had a wonderful experience throughout her stay, making friends with staff and other residents. She had nothing but the best experience while residing here at Cortlandt, and on her discharge date, she celebrated her and her journey while she walked out our doors. Cortlandt Healthcare wishes her nothing but the best and hopes to see her again in the future.