Patients Age: 73
Admission Date: 7/28/2016
Admitted From: Acute care hospital
Discharge Date: 10/7/16
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 10 weeks
Reason for Stay: Urinary tract infection
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Details of Experience:
Mr. O was admitted to Cortlandt Healthcare on July 28, 2016 after being hospitalized for a urinary tract infection, paraplegia and chronic lower back pain due to spinal stenosis. Mr. O was evaluated by the physical and occupational therapy teams at Cortlandt, where it was noted that her was suffering from significant upper and lower body weakness and a severe decline in overall functional mobility. Mr. O was unable to walk, required the assistance of two nursing team members to ambulate to and from bed and was unable to dress or transfer to the restroom himself without assistance. Additionally, due to the urinary tract infection diagnosis, the clinical team was consistently monitoring vitals, oxygen saturation and urinary output.
Mr. O received 10 weeks of physical and occupational therapy services where the focus was on upper and lower body strengthening, balance and gait training as well as effective methods to increase functional mobility with his activities of daily living. Modalities were also utilized to assist Mr. O’s complaints of lower back pain. Upon discharge, Mr. O was able to transfer to and from bed, ambulate with a rolling walker, toilet himself and perform his activities of daily living without assistance. He was safely discharged home with his wife and continues to do very well. The team at Cortlandt wish you nothing but the best as you continue to strengthen and heal, Mr. O.