Patients Age: 75
Admission Date: 2/1/14
Admitted From: Acute Care Hospital
Discharge Date:
Discharged To:
Length of Stay:
Reason for Stay: Coronary artery disease, Cognitive loss, history of falls, Hypertension
Mr. M. Sanchez is a 75-year-old man. He is currently a long term resident at Cortlandt Healthcare. He has been a long term resident since February 2014. Mr. Sanchez’s medical diagnosis includes Coronary artery disease, Cognitive loss, history of falls, Hypertension. Mr. Sanchez is a resident on the second floor and has been in a wheelchair for more then a year.
Currently PT had just finished with MR. Sanchez 7 weeks on skilled PT and 5 weeks on skilled OT and has been working towards a personal goal to ambulate in the facility with a rolling walker, to be able to dress and toilet himself. Mr. Sanchez’s son is very involved in his father care and well-being and has had several interactions with the treating physical and occupational therapists.
The staff on the second floor has also been very involved in Mr. Sanchez’s treatment plan of care. They have been educated and are able to follow through with his ambulation, toileting and dressing education. They have been encouraging him to attempt to do more for himself and have had good results.
This Monday November 9th, Mr. Sanchez will be given a rolling walker and his wheelchair will be taken away. Mr. Sanchez will be able to ambulate in and around the facility independently. Although he will still need minimal assistance for toileting and lower body dressing, he and his family are very pleased that he will be able to walk around on his own.