Case Study: Cortlandt Healthcare (June 2018)

Patients Age: 81
Admission Date: 3/9/18
Admitted From: Hudson Valley Hospital Center
Discharge Date: 6/17/18
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 3 months
Reason for Stay: Open heart surgery
How did this patient hear about Cortlandt Healthcare? Hudson Valley Hospital Center

Details of Experience:

Mrs. Doris arrived at Cortlandt Healthcare in early March after discharging from Hudson Valley Hospital Center post open heart surgery. The staff at the hospital recommended for Mrs. Doris to be seen and undergo rehabilitation to get her back to full strength and to eventually return home. Cortlandt Healthcare was Mrs. Doris’ number one choice for her rehabilitation sessions because her mother had once been a patient of ours and she remembered all the loving care she received while she was here and naturally wanted the same!

Mrs. Doris’ first impression of the community during her first day from the hospital was, “it looks so different from when my mother was here, it is so much nicer!” Shortly after she was admitted, Mrs. Doris met with the wonderful Cortlandt team. She was welcomed by Cortlandt’s concierge to ensure support and comfort during her transition, as well as to answer any questions she or her family may have had. She then met our wonderful nursing team, whom supported all of her clinical needs. Our highly-trained therapists then performed their initial evaluations and our social services team sat alongside Mrs. Doris for professional support!

During Mrs. Doris’ initial evaluations with her rehabilitation team, she set goals to accomplish so she could have a safe discharge home. Some goals that were set included safely performing ADL’s (activities of daily living) such as bathing, grooming, bed mobility, and daily transfers. Initially, Mrs. Doris was extremely dependent and had very little strength to do much on her own. However, she safely met her goals week after week and continued to set more.

Mrs. Doris’ last three goals before she could return home were to transfer in and out of a car with help from her husband, safely ambulate 300 feet independently, and negotiate 16 steps. Within three weeks of setting those goals, Mrs. Doris was able to complete all of them! She successfully transferred in and out of the car with minimal support from her husband, she was also able to ambulate 300 feet all on her own with her rolling walker; lastly, she was able to perform going up and down 16 steps with minimal support! During Mrs. Doris’ stay here at Cortlandt Healthcare, she made many friends, participated in many activities, and spent most of her time socializing with other patients and staff in the unit! From the whole staff here at Cortlandt Healthcare, we wish her nothing but the best of luck at home!